Wednesday 10 June 2009

tiring day but wonderful dinner

Not really, i m not dat tired actually. just ran out of ideas on title today..

went to client's office after lunching w coliks at Temasek (had subway) so yummy.. it's a long day.. but at least the taxi rides were so much better than yesterday's. reached home at 9:30pm.. to treat myself for a hard day today i tabao my fav bihun + baocai + steamed egg for dinner or supper?? haha.. some may think.. ooh.. so pathetic.. but for me bihun is like heaven heee..

have a 10km run this sunday.. hmmmmmm..gotta at least run once be4 the actual run... not sure if i can wake up tomoro morning for a run onot.. hope my will power is stronger than the lazy bug in me!

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