Wednesday 16 June 2010

step step step

i dunno since when & for watever reason i've fallen in love with step so much that my life has been about step almost everyday. Day after day; week after week; and maybe year after year!

Fellow coliks do not understand why i m always so busy (when i couldn't join their outings) and they think i m a gym freak. For example, this is a normal conversation always happen between me & my colik(s).

"J****, where are u going later?"

"err, meeting gym."

"oh ya, wat's new."


"you exercise too much. it's bad for health"

I'll roll my eyes and say, "haha.. very funny"

"I seriously think that you shud state your status in FB as 'in the relationship with gym'

-.- oh watever

at least i know very clearly that i enjoy every minute of it so far. U focus on the step movements while enjoying the music and u forget about all the unhappiness for a while. and i'm quite sure only my few gym mates will truely understand this ;)


Little cottage said...

yes! I Do Understand! I totally agree with u coz i DO understand how addictive it can be when u fall in love with steps... :) OH i miss my step class

trollisann said...

think u gotta wait for another 3-5 years for ur young one to grow up ;P then u can pick up again :)